About the company Engineering Equipment
About the company Engineering Equipment Portfolio

Reduction gears

Reduction gears are designed to reduce the rotation frequency of the electric motor to the device and to increase torque moment.

They are used in all industries, including: in drive units of rotary kilns, drum coolers, tube mills and others..

Most of such reduction gears are outdated and the CEMEQ ASIA Company makes their modernization in two directions:

  • replacement of the reduction gear in the same dimensions, preserving mounting dimensions with the processing of constructive solutions of these reduction gears to more modern ones;
  • development of compact reduction gears with extra-hard and smoothed gear sets made with high accuracy.

Each of them is used depending on the specific case and the preferences of the customer, because the first type gives the opportunity to avoid construction and foundation works, and the second type allows to reduce the weight of the reduction gear and to increase service life.

In addition, the gearboxes can be equipped with modern means of control the most important parameters, such as the temperature in the bearings and the lubricant in the gear.

Contacts of specialists
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Quick calculation of the cost of equipment
Manufacturing at modern sites
Worldwide delivery of equipment of any standard sizes
Flexible payment terms
Development of working design documentation of any complexity
Documents for all supplied equipment
Installation and maintenance of all equipment
Quality control of the supplied equipment and services provided
Drive units
Rotary kilns
Rolling equipment
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