About the company Engineering Equipment
About the company Engineering Equipment Portfolio

Car pushers

Car pushers are intended for feeding the coupling of loaded gondola cars and placing the next loaded gondola car into stationary car dumpers.

Car pushers are available two-and four-axle with swivel and fixed wheel bogies.

Car pushers with swivel bogies are used for movement on curved tracks, with a minimum radius up to 90 m. Car pushers with non-rotating bogies are used for movement on curved tracks, with a minimum radius 250 m.

Power supply to the car pusher is carried out by one of the types of current collecting devices:

  • symmetrical pantograph;
  • side pantograph;
  • side vertical current collector;
  • side horizontal current collector;
  • flexible cable.
ВТ 20-2П ВТ20-2 ВТ 25-4
ВТ 25-4П
ВТ 40-4
ВТ 40-4П
Number of pulled loaded gondola cars, pcs
20 20 25 40
Weight of the transported train, t, no more
2000 2000 2500 4000
Adhesive weight, t, not less
80 80 110 150
Force on the rails from each axis, t, not more
40 40 27,5 37,5
Minimum radius of  track curvature, m
90 250 250 (ВТ 25-4)
90 (ВТ 25-4П)
250 (ВТ 40-4)
90 (ВТ 40-4П)
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Drive units
Rotary kilns
Rolling equipment
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