About the company Engineering Equipment
About the company Engineering Equipment Portfolio

Column equipment

Column equipment is intended for conducting heat and mass transfer processes in contact with various media (gases, liquids), also in the presence of a dispersed solid phase in technological processes of absorption, desorption, rectification, extraction, cooling and separation of gases, purification of gases, and capture of harmful products.

Column equipment is structurally cylindrical vertical vessels of constant or variable cross-section. Column devices are equipped, depending on the technological process, with bubble-cap or valve trays, distribution and rectification plates, mass exchange devices, regular and dump packing, as well as auxiliary nodes (liquid and steam distributors, liquid and steam input nodes, devices for placing packing elements, etc.).

Column devices are manufactured according to individual technical projects (tasks).

Contacts of specialists
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Quick calculation of the cost of equipment
Manufacturing at modern sites
Worldwide delivery of equipment of any standard sizes
Flexible payment terms
Development of working design documentation of any complexity
Documents for all supplied equipment
Installation and maintenance of all equipment
Quality control of the supplied equipment and services provided
Drive units
Rotary kilns
Rolling equipment
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